Mrs Ludlow and Mrs Milligan went on an exciting adventure to visit our partner school in South Africa in October. As well as having to chance to see wildlife close up – elephants, lions, kudu, giraffe – we were thrilled to meet Mrs Yoyo in her school, Nqaba Primary School, and saw the garden that she has started with her pupils. They are already growing cabbages, beetroot and spinach in their garden. They use these to add to their school dinners to make them healthier and more nutritious. They use the money they save by growing their own food to buy seeds for next year.
While we were there, we shared the work that our Year 5s have been doing on composting. The children at Nqaba School were interested to know that waste food can be used to help grow more food which makes it a sustainable way to combat hunger. This is the goal that our school partnership is working towards.
Mrs Ludlow and Mrs Milligan enjoyed taking part in the school’s Heritage Day celebrations which involved plenty of singing and dancing. They were dressed for the occasion in traditional outfits that had been made especially for them. We are all looking forward to continuing this partnership next year and welcoming another member of the Nqaba School Staff when they visit in June 2020.