At St Andrew’s CE Primary School, we believe that children need to be engaged with learning to absorb lessons in any meaningful way.

There are many ways to foster engagement, of course. But one may surprise you: holding classes outside. Findings show that learning outdoors is not just a fun, novel experience for kids, but also helps them focus once they return to the classroom.


We have members of staff trained in Forest School techniques and we believe that every child should have regular, long-term access to a natural environment which provides them with inspirational and challenging outdoor learning opportunities. Forest School offers a learner centred approach, where children can learn through self-directed play and exploration.

Learning outdoors promotes curiosity, confidence, self-esteem, creativity, empathy, communication skills, knowledge of the natural environment and ability to assess risk.

It allows children to be children!

Outdoor Learning

Updated: 04/07/2024 950 KB
Updated: 18/01/2023 874 KB


We achieved RHS School Gardening Award Level 3.

To achieve this level

We had to write around 200 words about a mini project or activity in the garden, based on healthy eating, wildlife in the garden, composting and recycling, or exploring a curriculum topic through the garden. See our blog below for more details!

Forest School