Collective Worship


Welcome to our Collective Worship page!




At St. Andrew’s Church of England Primary School, Christian Values permeate everything we do. Our values are taken directly from the teachings of the Bible and every term, we focus on one specific Christian Value.

Our Christian Values are: Creativity, Peace, Trust, Compassion, Justice, Hope, Courage, Thankfulness, Truthfulness, Forgiveness, Humility, Friendship, Generosity, Respect & Reverence, Wisdom, Perseverance, Service, Responsibility.

This term, our Christian Value is: Trust

Over the next six weeks, we shall be exploring Trust in class, Key Stage and whole school collective worship sessions. We should like to invite you, our parents and carers, to share this value with your children.

Below, you will find some ideas about this term’s Christian Value. We hope your family will find them helpful as you talk about the value and have fun together.



Collective Worship

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What is Collective Worship?

Collective Worship is central to the life of our school.  Worship offers the children and adults in our school an opportunity to reflect on values and issues in the context of our Christian ethos. It reflects our mission statement and shapes our approach to others and to what we do in school.

We have a daily act of worship:

  • Monday – Key Stage led worship
  • Tuesday – Class led worship
  • Wednesday – Ministry team led worship for the whole school
  • Thursday – Class led worship
  • Friday – Whole school worship led by the Headteacher

During worship, our children have an opportunity to reflect upon the current Christian Value.

On Wednesdays, the Clergy team, led by Reverend Jacky Barr, share the stories of the Bible through ‘Open the Book’.

In the Spring term, children invite their parents and carers to join them in their class worship.

‘Thought for the Day’ is not a ‘performance’ but an opportunity for children to prepare and lead an act of worship in which parents and carers can share. This is what some of our parents have said about ‘Thought for the Day’:

‘A very interesting, thought-provoking act of worship’.

‘A very moving assembly and a powerful way of conveying this term’s Christian value’.

Look out for your invitation in the spring term!


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Updated: 15/04/2018 231 KB



Community support is essential in helping your child's school thrive. Here at St Andrew's CofE Primary we have built up a strong network of friends that help make our school what it is.