The Governing Body at St Andrew's CE Primary
The Governing Body supports the Headteacher and staff by positively promoting the work of the school, celebrating its achievements and working to ensure the best outcomes for our pupils. The Governing Body also acts as a ‘critical friend’ to the Headteacher by gathering views, asking questions and monitoring the performance of the school. All of our governors also act as a link between the Governing Body and the subject leaders within the school.

Annette Mashru
Annette has been working at St Andrew’s since September 2002. Previous roles include SENCo, Literacy Leader and Deputy Headteacher. In September 2017 Annette took up the post as Headteacher. “Being part of St Andrew’s CE Primary School is exciting and very rewarding. I work with an incredibly hard working and dedicated team. As a ‘restless school’ we are always looking for ways to inspire the children and advance their learning. The Governing Body acts as the school’s ‘critical friend’ and their wide set of skills and experiences are essential to the school’s vision. With everyone sharing the same goal, we are a cohesive and successful team.”
Kayleigh Churchman
Assistant Headteacher (KS1)
Kayleigh has been working at St Andrew’s since September 2019. She previously worked at an Ealing school where she gained experience in EAL. Kayleigh is currently the lead for Wrap around care (WAC), School Council, RE and Anti-bullying within the school. She is currently a member of the teaching and learning committee.

Kendra Gerrish
Assistant Headteacher (KS2)
Kendra has been working at St Andrew’s since April 2017. Prior to this, she taught at Great Milton CofE Primary School where she led literacy across the school. Kendra is a subject lead for literacy at St Andrew’s and an anti-bullying ambassador. She also oversees the St Andrew’s Teaching Alliance (SATA), organising the programme for our trainee teachers. She is currently a member of the teaching and learning committee.

Anna Edwards
Co-Chair of Governors
Contact address: St Andrew's CE Primary, Station Road, Chinnor, OX39 4PU
Anna has been a governor since 2016, and in 2023 was elected to co-chair of Governors. Anna attends the Resources committee, and is the link governor for Science working with Miss Smith. Anna works for a pharmaceutical company in international strategic marketing which means she frequently travels overseas, experiencing different cultures and working styles. She has three children who all attended St Andrew's but have now moved on to secondary school.

Mark Oliver
Co-Chair of Governors
Contact address: St Andrew's CE Primary, Station Road, Chinnor, OX39 4PU
Mark was elected as parent-governor in 2016 and became Co-Chair in 2023. He is also a member of the Teaching and Learning Committee and works with the teachers responsible for PE and History. Mark's son Orly is in year 6 and his daughter Mila also attended the school. Mark is also an ex-pupil of St Andrews himself and still feels a little nervous when he has to go see the Head! Mark is a lawyer, with a particular focus on infrastructure.

Amanda Malins
Vice Chair of Governors
Local Authority Governor
Having both a son and a daughter at the school, Amanda was elected as a Parent Governor in 2020. She is Chair of the Teaching and Learning Committee and is the school’s Special Educational Needs link and phonics link governor. In her professional life, she has over 20 years experience, teaching across the whole primary school age group in both state and independent schools and up until recently was Deputy Headteacher and SENCO at a prep school near Marlow. In January 2024, Amanda and her family made a move over to Melbourne: to spend time with her Australian husband's family and to give the children the opportunity to enjoy their dual citizenship and experience the other half of their heritage. The whole family are currently enjoying learning about Australian education system - particularly their approach to sport, wellbeing and outdoor learning and are keen to establish international links between St Andrews’ and their current school. St Andrews’ means a lot to Amanda and despite making this move to opposite side of the world, she is dedicated to continuing her governing role at the school until she returns to her home in Chinnor.
Jo Wootton
Staff Governor
Jo has been a primary school Bursar for over ten years and has worked at St Andrew’s since January 2016. She has completed the Certificate in School Business Management. Jo is a member of the Resources Committee providing valuable knowledge of school funding and financing. Having had two children pass through the school, Jo is committed to it’s Christian ethos and the success of all the pupils. Outside of school, she is an active member of the Chinnor Community Church helping with the youth work, and sits on the committee of Chinnor Community Swimming Pool.
Reverend Jacky Barr
Foundation Governor
Jacky is the Rector of the United Parish of Chinnor, Sydenham, Aston Rowant and Crowell, taking up this post in July 2020. But she is well known to us having been the Curate for the previous 3 years. Jacky has already established relationships with pupils and staff in the school and loves the opportunities to come in for Open the Book and REinspired sessions. Before becoming a minister Jacky was a yoga teacher, gym instructor and research scientist (but not all at the same time!). She is also Mum to three girls who are now young adults . Through their primary school years, Jacky was a single mum and so has a keen appreciation of the challenges (and joy) that situation brings.

Tess Kirkby
Tess has been working as a clerk for Oxfordshire County Council since the autumn of 2020 and is also working within the administration team at a school in Buckinghamshire. Prior to this, she was a Civil Servant with the Home Office and Ministry of Justice for many years in a variety of senior administration roles. “My introduction to the education sector is very recent and I’m thoroughly enjoying it. The opportunity to work with such dedicated Governors and staff whose priority is to improve education outcomes for all children is really rewarding.”

Rachel Reynolds
Foundation Governor
Rachel joined as Parent Governor in November 2018, after her son joined the school in Reception that same year. She also sits on the Resources Committee and is the Governor with responsibility for Wrap Around Care, School Council and the C&IRB (Copper Class in the Base). Rachel is a full-time mum to her three children, and previously worked as a Wills and Probate Solicitor in Aylesbury.

Rosie Butler
Foundation Governor
Rosie was elected to the team as a Parent Governor in 2020. She is a member of the Teaching and Learning Committee, and is the Governor with responsibility for Science, Design and Technology and Modern Foreign Languages, working with Miss Smith, Miss Churchman and Mrs Radbourne. Rosie’s children joined the school in 2019. In her professional life, Rosie is a Primary School Teacher.

Heather Tait
Parent Governor
Heather was elected as a parent governor in November 2021. Heather is a Safeguarding Lead governor plus link governor for Design & Technology and is responsible for the Governor Skills Audit. Heather is also Chair of the Resources Committee. Heather’s two children are both enjoying their time at St Andrews’ since joining in 2020 and 2022 respectively. Heather works in the Personnel team for a large secondary school.
Giovanni Mulé
Parent Governor
Giovanni is a parent governor who joined the governing body in 2022. Giovanni is the link governor for computing, IT is a subject close to Giovanni’s heart and forms part of his role day to day. Giovanni is a global marketing operations leader supporting core marketing functions delivering strategic programs driving marketing growth for global corporate brands. In managing a global team Giovanni has exposure to working within a range of different cultures. Giovanni has two young children, one of whom joined St Andrew's in 2021. Other interests include, gardening, getting outdoors with his family and cooking.
Claudia Myrie
Parent Governor
Claudia was elected as a parent governor in 2022. She has the responsibility and a strong passion for working with teachers responsible for International Links and art. Claudia moved to Chinnor in 2019 and has a daughter at St Andrew's. Claudia is a foster parent, a writer, setting up a Women’s centre in Aylesbury and currently a trustee for a charity called Time For Good International.

Cordelia Iwanek
Co-opted Governor
Cordelia is a Senior First Officer at British Airways, flying on the company’s short haul network. Alongside this, she has recently started a new role in the Pilot Onboarding team welcoming new entrants to the business. She has previously served in the RAF as an Air Traffic Control Officer and has a Master’s degree in English Literature. She and her husband have lived in Chinnor for over 6 years and have two young children, Elizabeth and Arthur. Outside of work, Cordelia is an enthusiastic runner and sportswoman; she currently plays football for Chinnor Ladies.
Governors in Action
Please click to enlarge
Governors in Action
Governing Body - Register of Interests
Governors Annual Report
Governor Attendance