Marimba Club gave an end of year performance to parents, playing all their favourite pieces. With patience, perseverance, teamwork and practice, they have learnt to play different parts, to listen to each other and create a beautiful sound, perfect for these hot, sunny afternoons! Thanks goes to Jan Merrow-Smith, for all she has achieved with this group - definitely something we are proud of. Videos of the performance will be available on the school website soon.
We were also delighted to invite parents in to share the music recitals with children taking part from across the school. The Year 3s have made amazing progress with their string lessons, funded by SASA. We would like to thank Lisa Paterson from Oxfordshire County Music for her expert tuition - even Mr Nixon was able to join in! The recorder groups have also grown, thanks to the dedication and expertise of Gail Roberts (Joyful Music), producing some exceptional performances. There are plenty of gifted and talented musicians at St Andrew's - well done to everyone who took part.
We have signed up to take a KS2 choir to Wembley Arena for a Young Voices concert in February 2023. More details will follow in September but, if you can't wait to start singing, you can use this Spotify link to enjoy learning the songs over the summer holiday.