Copper Class 

Copper class supports pupils with identified communication and interaction needs. We aim to facilitate access to the mainstream curriculum for children and young people with C&I needs and support them to reach their full potential in all aspects of school life, including both learning and social opportunities.

We support and develop children’s communication skills using a range of approaches, including social skills sessions, visual aids and structured speech and language sessions. We support the children to develop their emotional understanding and develop strategies to respond to personal feelings but also emotions they recognise in others.

Copper class are committed to providing our pupils with the relevant skills needed in order to become independent individuals. This includes life skills, participating in group work and whole school activities.

Alongside this, we work to develop all areas of the curriculum, enhanced with forest school visits, school swimming, visits to the village shop and the local park as well as termly trips. We constantly work towards increasing the children’s mainstream integration as well as offering support such as social skills, forest school and quiet spaces to pupils identifying as having communication and interaction needs throughout St Andrew’s.

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Updated: 12/03/2025 121 KB


Lead Teacher – Mrs Stephanie Whitelock

Teacher – Miss Hannah Mortimer

Lead TA – Christina Vaughan

TA’s – Sandy Carstairs, Vanessa Truran, Valeria Moxon-Groves, Keren Davies, Aimee Lingwood, Charley Reynolds, Katie Eggleton and Lucia Collins.