PE at St Andrew’s 

Physical education at St Andrew’s develops the children’s knowledge, skills and understanding so that they can perform with increasing competence and confidence in a range of physical activities.  Physical Education includes dance, games, gymnastics, swimming and water safety, athletics and outdoor adventure activities.

PE Curriculum Overview

Updated: 07/07/2022 183 KB



At St Andrew’s PE activities are planned so that they build upon the prior learning of the children.  There are opportunities for children of all abilities to develop their Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS).  In each activity area, there is planned progression built into the scheme of work, so that the children are increasingly challenged as they move up through the school.

They 4 key areas of progression are:

  • Locomotion- movement
  • Manipulation- throwing and catching
  • Stabilization-balance
  • Strength and conditioning


The school plays regular fixtures and tournaments against local schools.  This introduces a competitive element to team games and allows the children to put into practice the skills that they have developed in their lessons. 

PE News 2023-2024

Dance Festival: 

On Wednesday 18th June, St Andrew's participated in the Thame partnership dance festival. The aim was to provide an opportunity for the children to experience what it is like to dance at a professional level. The children worked tirelessly throughout the year to perfect their routine. There were two performances to at least 100 parents! The staff who attended the event were incredibly proud, the girls danced their hearts out. 


Thame Partnership Sports Event at Mill Lane:

On Thursday 20th June, St Andrew's participated in the annual Thame partnership event at Mill Lane School. The event consisted of multiple events, including: sprint, relay, egg & spoon, skipping, and sack race. The children were incredible, winning almost every single race. St Andrew's won the event and managed to reclaim the inter-school competition trophy.


Sports day:

On Friday 28th June, St Andrew's hosted sports day. The day began with excitement and eagerness, each child looking to score points for their team. Participating in the event were Phoenix blue, Icknield red, Ridgeway yellow and Chiltern Green . KS1 kicked off the day and ran their hearts out for their houses. KS2 followed them, completing events such as: hurdles, egg & spoon, skipping, relay and sprint. The children ran with smiles on their faces, as their parents watched them proudly. Chiltern green managed to seal the victory and retain the sports day trophy. Picture above/below are the children who received the sport star award. 


KS2 Partnership Swimming Gala:

St. Andrew's CE Primary School hosted the annual Swimming Gala. Joined by Brill, John Hampden and Mill Lane, the pool echoed with the cheers of the swimmers. The children showcased their skill in the individual front crawl races. The atmosphere was brilliant as supporters cheered on their respective schools. The teams from each school then synchronized their efforts in the relays. Well done to every single swimmer who participated, it really was a fantastic afternoon of sportsmanship! 

Enriching our curriculum in PE

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