Year 4 have been learning about Anglo-Saxons this term. In literacy, we have focussed on the legend of 'Beowulf'. The children have written their own descriptive and dramatic legends. As well as this, they enjoyed taking part in a whole year group debate over whether or not Beowulf should have fought the dragon alone. 


As part of their Science topic this term, Year 4 have been investigating which drink has the most damaging effect on our teeth. The children used egg shells to replicate what would happen to the enamel on our teeth if we consumed too much of a type of drink. The drinks  we put to the test are: milk, water, coffee, coke, lemonade and orange juice. Most children predicted coke as having the most damaging effect. After two weeks, we concluded that the orange juice was the worst for our teeth - despite it seeming healthier than the fizzy drinks!


In gymnastics, Year 4 have been perfecting their balances, rolls, jumps and travelling steps to create well-performed sequences. They enjoyed using the apparatus to further challenge themselves!