3 Nov

Year 6

This term Year 6 have delved into the world of the ancient Maya, exploring the foundations of this once great civilisation of the Americas. The Maya, who were based in Central America, combined perfectly with our international term, where we looked at countries across the Americas, from Canada to…

3 Nov

Year 3

During Term 1, the children of Year 3 have learnt all about rocks. They have been rock detectives and have investigated the permeability of a variety of different rocks. The fossilization process has been discussed, and the children learned all about the famous palaeontologist Mary Anning. James…

3 Nov

Year 4

Year 4 have been learning all about 'sound' during term 1. The children used musical instruments to explore how pitch works, they created string telephones to understand how sound travels, and they were lucky enough to be able to have Mrs Fox, an audiologist, visit to go into more detail about the…

29 Jun

LWS Science Experience Day

Lord William's School hosted an exhilarating Science Experience Day. Gifted and talented young scientists from various schools in the Thame Partnership came together to explore the wonders of science. The children were divided into year groups and mixed with peers from other schools, fostering…

23 May

Y5 & Y6 Hockey

Hockey coaching sessions are underway this term at St Andrew's. Year 5 and 6 children will be learning basic hockey skills and techniques over the next six weeks. 

19 May

Tennis sessions

Chinnor tennis courts once again hosted the pupils of St Andrew's CE School. Emerging talent and future Wimbledon champions were put through their paces on the courts. The children thoroughly enjoyed the sessions and practised hand eye co-ordination skills and racket techniques. 

18 May

Year 6 girls football tournament

On Wednesday 19th April, the Year 6 girls football team went to Tetsworth to compete in the Thame Partnership football tournament. The St Andrew's girls done exceptionally well, not conceding a goal in the group stages and going through to the knockout games. They managed to get to the final,…

27 Feb

MFL Blog 1

Christmas 2022 

We were lucky enough to have Señora Garrigós visit us this week to talk to Year 3 and Year 6 about how Christmas is celebrated in Spain. We learnt all about the real life nativities which take place in the villages in Spain, the types of food eaten during the festive period…